Complimentary Products

Humus Plus4 is a certified natural product that is specially blended with neutral cellulose combined with Brown Coal (Lignite – which contains high levels of naturally occurring Humic Acid complexes) to create humic energy in Australian soils. Humus Plus4 is the ideal soil conditioner for any Australian soil, whether alkaline or acid soils.

  • Can be used on neutral or calcium deficient soils.
  • Helps increase microbial activity.
  • Improves CEC or nutrient holding levels.
  • Improves moisture retention.
  • Source of humic compounds and Trichoderma fungi.
  • A 50/50 blend of Crushed Brown Coal & recycled cellulose which is sourced from recycled cardboard and paper.

Humus Plus4 is an environmentally friendly product

  • Contains no pesticide residues above organic certification.
  • Contains no heavy metals above organic certification.
  • Has no odour.

Humus Plus4 is easy to handle and the product is screened and is best spread with a belt spreader due to variable moisture levels. Once spread the Humus Plus4 soil conditioner is best incorporated into the soil.

Conventional Fertilisers & Trace Elements

Ferbon is able to provide a wide range of conventional agricultural grade fertilisers as well as most trace elements at extremely competitive prices. We are able to provide discounts for larger forward orders.

Due to the large number of products available we are unable to list them all here, so contact us with your requirements and we will give you a competitive quote. Due to the regular price fluctuations we can only give quotes for 14 days, therefore offering you the most competitive price.